
NYSED Parent Portal

The New York State Education Department Parent Dashboard provides a gateway to school-level data for parents and the general public. Feedback from parents and stakeholders will guide enhancements to the Parent Dashboard. View the dashboard and provide feedback: You can find more information on the NYSED Parent Portal HERE.

The New York State Board of Regents has granted The Renaissance Charter School 2 an initial five-year charter, starting when we opened our doors in 2020.

Access to our Annual Reports, Certified Financial Reports and other Accountability documents from the New York State Education Department are accessible in these pages, starting in August 2021.

AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN – This federal recovery plan is designed to help individuals and institutions across our country address the impact of COVID-19 and the resultant disruptions in our schools, our workplaces and our daily lives. The Renaissance Charter School 2 was awarded $294,481 in ARP funds, and $131,122 in Cares Act (ESSER 2) funds.   We intend to use these funds to support the implementation of in-person instruction, improve health and safety throughout our classrooms and school building(s) and strengthen our academic programs and social-emotional supports. We are grateful to our parents, teachers and entire school community for their input as we developed our applications and plans for spending ARP ESSER, ESSER II, and ESSER I funds.

PLAN DE RESCATE AMERICANO: Este plan federal de recuperación está diseñado para ayudar a personas e instituciones de todo nuestro país a abordar el impacto del COVID-19 y las interrupciones resultantes en nuestras escuelas, nuestros lugares de trabajo y nuestra vida diaria. La Renaissance Charter School 2 recibió $294,481 en fondos ARP y $131,122 en fondos de la Ley Cares (ESSR 2). Tenemos la intención de utilizar estos fondos para apoyar la implementación de la instrucción en persona, mejorar la salud y la seguridad en todas nuestras aulas y edificios escolares y fortalecer nuestros programas académicos y apoyos socioemocionales. Agradecemos a nuestros padres, maestros y toda la comunidad escolar por sus aportes mientras desarrollamos nuestras solicitudes y planes para gastar los fondos ARP ESSER, ESSER II y ESSER I.

If you would like a hard copy of our federal recovery plan in English or Spanish, please call or stop by the main office. Additional languages are available upon request.

Si desea una copia impresa de nuestro plan federal de recuperación en inglés o español, llame o visite la oficina principal. Idiomas adicionales están disponibles a pedido.

COVID-19 EDUCATIONAL CONTINUITY and RE-OPENING PLANS – You can find our plans to open our school safely on the Health and Safety page.

PLANES DE CONTINUIDAD EDUCATIVA y REAPERTURA DE COVID-19: puede encontrar nuestros planes para abrir nuestra escuela de manera segura en la página de Salud y Seguridad.

Our Charter

Your Parents Bill of Rights pertaining to data rights and privacy — in addition, you can access our contact sheet for state-mandated compliance positions here: State-Mandated Compliance Positions.  They include our DASA, FERPA, Title X and 504 Coordinators, and more;

Our TRCS2 Discipline Policy which includes the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA);

Our District Emergency Response Plan, including the Public Health Emergency Continuation of Operations Addendum; and

Our Policies and Procedures Manual including, but not limited to:

  • Access to Student Records Policy, pursuant to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  • Freedom of Information Act, including TRCS 2 FOIL Subject Matter List
  • Technology Use and Internet Safety Policy – CIPA Policy

Our NY State Report Card may be found here.

Our NYC DOE Satisfaction Survey data may be accessed here.