Parent Resources

Important Notices for Parents

Welcome Parents!

We want to hear from you! Renaissance is a collaborative community, and our parents’ voices are valued and heard in a variety of ongoing meetings and forums.

NYC Kids Rise - How to Set Up Your Account

Log in and view your child’s FREE NYC Kids Rise Scholarship account! All kindergarten accounts are new and they ALL need to be activated by you (guardian).

  • Go to (note: on the upper right hand corner of the page you have an option to choose to view the page in a different language), then click on “ACTIVATE ACCOUNT.” 
  • You will need your child’s zip code, date of birth and 9 digit OSIS #. (If you don’t know your child’s OSIS #, please email
  • Click on the “SUBMIT” button.
  • A page that will say “New Profile” will come up.  Then you will enter your (guardian) name and last name, create a user name (your email) and password.
  • You will then be prompted to answer a list of questions.  Those are optional and although we encourage you to answer them (some or all), they are NOT required.
  • Please make sure that you scroll all the way down and then please make sure to click “SUBMIT.” 

Here is a short video tutorial on how to log in and view your child’s NYC Kids Rise Free Scholarship account:

The Big APIL - The Annual Parent Information Letter

The 2024-2025 Annual Parent Information Letter may be found here:

In English – APIL 2024-2025

En español – APIL 2024-2025


If you do not receive it by August 31, please call the office at 718-803-0060 to make sure we have your current email address. If you do not have access to email and would like a hard copy, please call the office to request one. Links to important documents are found within the APIL.

Arrival and Dismissal Information
Arrival and Dismissal Safety Protocols
  • Please see the attached arrival and dismissal information:
  • Parents, you will be asked to come in and out of the building quickly to minimize social interaction–you must not try to engage teachers in conversations at arrival or dismissal. Please email your teacher to set up a time to meet if you have concerns that need to be addressed.
  • If you arrive late during Arrival, after your child’s class has entered the building, you will be required to wait until all students have entered the building. This is when we will have staff available to escort your child.

During Dismissal, please follow the procedures in the attached document. 

  • ONLY adults with Family Pickup Cards will be allowed into the building
  • If you arrive late to pick up your child, please go directly to the 3rd-floor stage area on the elementary school side of our building. PreK parents may have to wait for their children to be escorted upstairs.

Your child is welcome to take supper with them. Supper is served grab-and-go style and can be picked up from the cafeteria.

Please note that 1st and 10th-period programming may change throughout the year based on the academic needs of each student. If your child is scheduled for 1st or 10th period, it is a mandatory part of their school day. Your 7th-12th grade child may be dismissed at different times on different days. You will be promptly notified of any changes. 

In addition to the above information, you may download a PDF of the school calendar here.


Certain forms can be downloaded from the list below.  Please only fill out new emergency and medical forms if the information has changed, i.e. phone number, email or mailing address or emergency contact information; or a child’s medical condition. We do need a new McKinney Vento form every year.

COVID-19 Protocols
Please read the important NYC and NYS DOH  COVID-19 Health protocols before entering our school building.
Parent Bill of Rights

Compliance with Education Law § 2-d and Part 121 requires that we post our Parents Bill of Rights, regarding data privacy and security for our students.


Download the newly updated Elementary and Middle School Family Handbook HERE.

Download the newly updated High School Family Handbook HERE.

Code of Conduct and Discipline Policy has been updated to include the dress code promoted by our Student Government, and has been adopted by our Board of Trustees.

Updated Technology and Internet Safety Policy The Board of Trustees has approved the revisions to the Technology Use and Internet Safety Policy found in the Renaissance Charter School Policy and Procedures Manual, starting on page 11.

Protection for Immigrant Families  Renaissance stands with the city and the NYC DOE in ensuring students’ families of the protections and supports the NYC Department of Education has in place for immigrant families. We have adopted the policy that non-local law enforcement officers, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), are not allowed to enter schools unless absolutely required by law (in most cases, this means they must have a warrant signed by a judge). The protocol for how schools should handle visits or requests from ICE remains in effect during the summer months, as students attend summer school or participate in summer meals. More information, and translations of communication, is available on their website HERE.

Grievance (Complaint) Procedure (Español – Querellas o quejas)

Individuals with grievances should first speak with the staff member directly involved with the situation. If the issue is not resolved after this discussion, the matter should be referred to the cluster leader or a member of the School Management Team (SMT). If the matter is still not resolved after the SMT member’s intervention, it will be referred to the Principal. In the event that the Principal cannot resolve the situation, the following grievance procedures will be followed:

Make sure to mark you calendars for upcoming Parent Workshops!  Meetings are planned throughout the school year.

You can find more resources to support the growth of your child’s social-emotional learning and well-being on the Supporting Your Child page.

Parent Supports

Check the calendar for Parent Workshops on various topics to help you support your children.

Housing Instability

Emergency Eviction Hotlines:

  • In NYC:
    • Call Housing Court Answers, 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday: 212-962-4795 or 718-557-1379. Calls are answered directly in Spanish, English and French, and interpreters are used for all other languages through the LanguageLine translation service.
    • Call Homebase or 311. Use the Homebase locator to find your local Homebase provider’s contact information.
      • Ask your local Homebase provider about Project Parachute for rental assistance, eviction prevention, and financial services while experiencing an immediate housing crisis, regardless of immigration status

Food Insecurity



List and Description of all Parent-Inclusive Meetings

  • Board of Trustees – The Board is the governing body of the school. It meets monthly and allocates time for public speaking. Please note that it is our policy that speakers limit their presentation to three minutes. Additionally, while we are meeting virtually, we ask that all speakers turn on their cameras since these meetings are required to be recorded and retained.
  • Parent Town Halls with the Principal – The principal holds parent town-hall meetings regularly, in English and also in English translated to Spanish, to update families on important school policies and re-opening plans.
  • Collaborative School Governance Committee (CSG) – The CSG is composed of stakeholders from across the school – students, parents, non-pedagogical staff, teachers and administrators.  This year the focus is on implementing the action items we developed in 2022 for Living Our Mission to incorporate these into our school culture.
  • Parent Association – TRCS has a representative parent association.  This group supports communication between the School and its families.  Additionally, they sponsor events and activities that benefit our community.
  • Family Workshops – The School and Parent Association offer regular workshops on issues and topics important to our families.  Some workshops have included: Helping your child with organization, Social Media and your child, Talking with your teen, Meditation, Supporting your child through the pandemic, etc.  We want your ideas!  Please let us know if there is a workshop that you would like to see.
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences – The School holds Parent-Teacher Conferences twice a year in fall and Spring to discuss your child’s academic progress and other issues related to his or her success in school.
  • Family Conferences – These conferences are initiated by our faculty to provide a meeting that allows for more time to discuss students who are at-risk academically.  The goal of a family conference is to create an action plan for your child’s success.
  • Curriculum Night – Once a year, in September, the School hosts a Curriculum night to inform you about what your child will be learning this year and our expectations in each grade.
  • College Bound Parent Meetings – Our College Bound Office, hosts high school grade level meetings to keep families updated on the College Admissions Process.
  • Admissions Open Houses – Our Admissions Team hosts several open houses per year for families who are thinking about applying to our school.  Additionally, we host a special meeting for our 8th graders to introduce them to our high school and all it has to offer.
  • Arts and Other Exhibition Events – We are extremely proud of the work our students accomplish in their arts and other classes and host events to share and celebrate these events.
  • Class Events – Teachers host a variety of class events including publishing parties in the elementary grades and parent attendance is strongly encouraged.