Additional Information

Helpful information for Parents:

  • Website For Parents And Guardians with answers to Frequently Asked Vaccination Questions, resources and locations where children can get vaccinated.
    • Click HERE to find the nearest COVID-19 and Flu Vaccination Clinics.


  • Vaccine Referral Card: If families choose Renaissance as the organization that referred them to get vaccinated, Renaissance will be eligible to get $100 per referral! 


  • NYC families of students attending public schools are qualified for a $50 internet credit!

    NYS Department of Health Guidelines

    The Health and Safety Guide for the 2022-2023 School Year for all New York families was released in August 2022.  Please visit the NYSED website for more information on Back to School Health and Safety.

    School Year 2022-23 Back to School COVID-19 Guidance from NYS

      Curriculum Packets

      Archived Virtual Curriculum Night videos and curriculum for PK-12th Grade.

      Elementary Cluster - PK to 5th Grades
      Middle School Cluster - 6th to 8th Grades
      High School Cluster - 9th to 12th Grades

      High School Unwrapped – All 8th grade students attend a special open house presentation in February to learn about the Renaissance high School experience, hosted and presented by our HS Student Council. Parents can view a past presentation here: HS Unwrapped for Parents.