Student Support

The TRCS Code of Conduct and Discipline Policy has been updated to reflect new policies and procedures, including a dress-code policy developed in collaboration with our HS student government.  It also includes the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) policy.

Cyberbullying Protocols: New protocols in place to fight Cyber-Bullying. Download this important Letter to Parents here.

Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA): As we continue to rely more and more on the internet for distance learning, please read Renaissance’s Technology and Internet Safety Policy.

Child Abuse: If you suspect an incident of child abuse or neglect, please read this important Information; en espanol aqui.

DASA Coordinator: (Dignity for All Students Act): Read the full statement in our Discipline Policy handbook below; Suzanne Arnold,; 718-803-0060, ext 205.

Foster Care Point of Contact: Suzanne Arnold,, 718-803-0060, ext. 205.

Special Education and 504 Coordinator: Liz Perez,, 718-803-0060, ext. 207.

The Student Support Team was established to provide support for students to help prevent discipline code infractions. This support takes many forms, including a Peer Mediation program, Advisories, support to individual students, support to parents and legal guardians through conferences and parent meetings, and support to our teaching and learning staff to provide professional development related to discipline and intervention.

Student Support has at its philosophical core the belief that any disciplinary action is meant to educate the student to understand why his/her conduct was inappropriate and to guide the student in a way that will help him/her avoid committing future infractions. Discipline is not a punitive response, but rather one to promote self-reflection and responsibility for one’s actions.

High personal standards of courtesy, decency, proper language, honesty, respect for others, and morality shall be maintained. Further, pursuant to the New York State Dignity for All Students Act (“Dignity Act”) and its regulations, TRCS is committed to providing an educational environment that promotes respect, dignity and equality. Acts of discrimination and harassment, including bullying, cyberbullying, taunting or intimidation, are detrimental to student learning and achievement. TRCS expects all of its community (students,parents, teachers, staff and the administration) to foster civility and to prevent and prohibit conduct that is inconsistent with the expectation of respect, dignity and equality for all.

Student Support investigates incidents and determines the appropriate consequences for students who violate the school’s discipline code, and assists The Learning Center with both in and out-of-school suspensions. Please consult the family handbook, available for download here, for procedures and policies.

Suzanne Arnold is the Dignity for All Students Act Coordinator at Renaissance.

Cell Phone Policy

Please see the Annual Parent Information Letter (the Big “APIL”) found on the Parents home-page for the full policy, found on page 10. Cell-phones will still be confiscated if it they are seen inside the school.

The use of cell phones and other electronic devices is NOT permitted inside the building. This includes during transitions, lunch, and in the classroom. Headphones are NOT allowed without prior teacher approval, for instructional use only.

If your student is found to be in violation of these policies, the electronic device(s) will be confiscated.  The device(s) will then only be returned to a parent or legal guardian at the end of the school day, from 2:40 pm to 4 pm.  Note:  If the device cannot be picked up during this time, it can be picked up the following day during all school hours.

If you need to reach your child, please call the school at 718-803-0060 ext. 0.  If your child needs to contact you, the parent or guardian, they can use the phone in the main office.


Family Handbooks

Please note that we consider these handbooks living documents that are reviewed frequently. If you have any questions about any of the policies written herein, please call the school.

Download the FERPA Policy Here

Download the Discipline Policy Here

Download the Family Handbook Here

Download the High School Handbook Here