Frequently Asked Questions

What do I send in with my application?

Please send only the filled-out application. 

When can I see the school?

You can only see the school during our scheduled open houses. 

Do I have to register to attend an open house?

No, but we do appreciate it when you do. Please use this form. Your children are welcome at the open houses. 

Can I transfer my child from another charter or public school to yours?

No. You must go through the lottery process.

Do we have to live near the school?

No, but there are three levels of priority:

1) Sibling priority;

2) Those who live in School District 30; and

3) Queens residence.

How much is tuition?

We are a public school; there is no tuition.

What average does my child need to get into your school?

There is no average requirement for our school, but if a child is applying for a seat in any grade other than Kindergarten, they must have passed the previous grade. For a seat in 10th grade and up, you must provide your child’s transcript.

Does your school have a pre-K?

Yes, we do as of September, 2014.

If I’m not picked from the lottery, what happens to my application?

All applications are wait-listed for one school year. You must re-apply every new school year.

What are my chances of getting in?

As the NY State Lottery says, “you have to be in it to win it.” We receive more than one hundred applications for each grade.

More questions?

Call Michelle Cardona, Admissions Coordinator and Pupil-Personnel Secretary; at (929) 314-4903.