Student Support

The Student Support Team was established to provide support for students to help prevent discipline code infractions. This support takes many forms, including Restorative Circles, Advisories, support to individual students, support to parents and legal guardians through conferences and parent meetings, and support to our teaching and learning staff to provide professional development related to discipline and intervention.

For our discipline policy and family handbooks, visit our Parents page.

Student Support has at its philosophical core the belief that any disciplinary action is meant to educate the student to understand why his/her conduct was inappropriate and to guide the student in a way that will help him/her avoid committing future infractions. Discipline is not a punitive response, but rather one to promote self-reflection and responsibility for one’s actions.

High personal standards of courtesy, decency, proper language, honesty, respect for others, and morality shall be maintained. Further, pursuant to the New York State Dignity for All Students Act (“Dignity Act”) and its regulations, TRCS 2 is committed to providing an educational environment that promotes respect, dignity, and equality. Acts of discrimination and harassment, including bullying, cyberbullying, taunting, or intimidation, are detrimental to student learning and achievement. TRCS 2 expects all of its community (students, parents, teachers, staff, and the administration) to foster civility and to prevent and prohibit conduct that is inconsistent with the expectation of respect, dignity, and equality for all.